9,000 Mile Bike Ride Across US to Raise Awareness Of Bullying and Teen Suicide

Bob Votruba, begins a 9,000 mile bike ride around the perimeter of the US today to raise awareness of bullying and adolescent suicide.

Votruba, a father of three and a former contractor from Ohio, began his “kindness” crusade after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre when Seung-Hui Cho, a Virginia Tech senior, killed 32 kids and wounded 23 others. Feeling helpless he wanted to do something, so he started the organization, One Million Acts of Kindness, as an antidote to the violence that sometimes plagues US campuses and public spaces.

In this ride called, Ring Our Country with Kindness (R.O.C.K.), Votruba hopes to amplify the conversation of teen bullying that can lead kids to feeling hopeless, and in extreme cases, take their own lives.

The ride begins and ends in New York City.

We spoke with him briefly while he was in New York City.  Check out the video and for those who want to learn more, Votruba can be contacted through his website.