Imagine meeting your friends at the local cineplex for a Saturday night movie, but instead finding yourself at a Cirque du Soleil-like extravaganza. As you drive to this new auditorium you look around and realize the cineplex, as a building destination, is a relic of the past. The cineplex is now in your hand. It’s your iPad or Android. This new cinema makes each audience member feel as if they are in the movie, a truly immersive experience. This is the mission of legendary filmmaker, Douglas Trumbull.
At his home and studio in the Berkshires, Trumbull and his wife, Julia, and a team of film specialists, are working on this new immersive technology. Trumbull was the first stop on the Berkshire International Film Festival’s Filmmaker’s Summit.

Spearheaded by the extraordinarily talented, thoughtful and organized, Sarah Patrick Morgese, the two-day Filmmaker’s Summit, was a mix of field trips to the Berkshires luminous filmmaking and theatrical communities and filmmaker panels for the BIFF participating filmmakers. In my more than 15 years of attending film festivals, I have never attended a more satisfying, informative and intimate film event. Check out some of the highlights below. Also, if you are interested in film, distribution and research, check out our RESOURCES. Continue reading “Legendary Filmmaker, Douglas Trumbull, Kicks Off The BIFF Filmmaker’s Summit And Talks About 4D and The Future Of Cinema”